Spiritual Teachings

When walking on a trail, it is essential to have proper directions and well-marked signposts along the way. These teachings provide seekers with spiritual guidance and understanding for the journey toward the One.

Willpower Jan 09, 2024

“What is the purpose of spiritual disciplines? To develop free will. The more one strengthens one’s willpower, the more one moves toward God. The Master used to say, ‘Awaken your inner power.’ Success does not come to souls who are weak-minded.

“The more...

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Living in the Higher Consciousness Sep 10, 2023

On this physical plane of existence, we are bombarded daily by a constant stream of sensory stimuli. These stimuli push and pull us in every direction at once, as they compete with each other for our undivided attention.

This input is taken in through our senses: we see, hear, touch, feel and...

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